By getting foundation and basement waterproofing done for your house, it can be saved from one of the worst things that can happen to a home. Besides catching fire and burning down, flooding in a basement is a close second in home tragedies. When foundations begin to crack, it can allow water to enter the basement, rotting the foundation. In some of the worst cases, it can cause a house to collapse. Basement Waterproofing not only pertains to a basement, but to foundations as well. If your basement is experiencing problems with water, mold, or rotting, considering basement waterproofing is a must.
Main problems that foundations and basements face is caused by water. As water begins to build up in the soil near and under the house, the soil expands. This creates cracks in the foundation and also causes swelling of the foundation itself. Water can seep in through the cracks into the basement, creating leaky walls that increase build up of mold, musty smells, and poor circulated air.
Simply put, concrete in not completely waterproof. Although it is good at keeping out liquid water, vapor can still penetrate it easily. This is why waterproofing a basement and keeping the foundation waterproofed go hand in hand.
What Keeps Basements And Foundations Waterproof?
For foundations, it is imperative to make sure that water does not have the ability to accumulate around it. Due to different placements and area homes are built on, there may be different causes for water to enter your home. Experts will go about the process of basement waterproofing with these factors in mind. Some of these factors include:
- Geographic location
- Topography
- Climate
- Depth of a foundation
- Soil condition.
To keep water away from the foundation, there are three main ways you can do to help prevent problems with water. These precautionary actions can include:
- Drains are used to move water away from the home. It is important to make sure that gutters are flowing effectively and pushing water out far enough.
- Wall treatments can then be put in place to help keep out any moisture from entering your basement. It also can help route water drains.
- A ground surface treatment can be placed adjacent to the house to keep surface water directed away.
For basements, there are ways to keep it out of harm from water as well. If the basement walls have any cracks in them, those need to be plugged up and repaired. Make sure that the ground is not slanted towards the home and that gutters are working properly. Insulating basement walls can also aid in removing moisture. If these actions are not preventing water from entering your home, basement waterproofing needs to be considered.
In all honesty, the best way to have basement waterproofing done in your home is to have a professional come out and do it for you. They have the materials and the means needed for basement waterproofing and any kind of foundation repair. By getting these services done for your home, your home can be healthy for many years.